Books by Gitte Winter Graugaard
Now in multiple languages
Gitte winter graugaard
In my heart
four sleep meditations in English
FROM ‘Hygge’ to parenting, the Danish way of doing things is often widely talked about. This bestseller book “The Children’s Meditations In my Heart” is helping thousands of children fall asleep each night. Now available in four different languages, it is beginning to change bedtime routines the world over.
Age: 0-99 it is never too late to learn to love yourself, and such a gift for life to learn when you are little.
Gitte winter graugaard
– Teach your child to shine
Learning to find your HEARTLIGHT early in life and knowing how to turn it up is such a gift. Go into your amazing heart to find your courage and fill your body with light is also an amazing way to fall asleep.
Age: 5-14 (many adults enjoy this book too)
New book series
The Valley of Hearts
Let Chief Eaglefeather teach your child to thrive with the four elements
Fire – Water – Earth – Air
Age appropriate: 5-14
Meet chief Eaglefeather
Chief Eaglefeather in the Valley of hearts teaches you and your child about the magic of the four elements: fire, water, earth, and air.
The Flamedancers’ Fire
A meditation about our inner fire element. Teach your child how to balance their inner fire. Works well with highly tempered children (and parents) and is also good for kids who need to turn up their passion and learn to shine more.
The clear Cascade
A meditation about our inner water element. Learn how to cleanse your energy from other people’s energy after a long day in school and how to pull back your own loving energy. Especially good for sensitive and anxious kids.
The deep Meadow
A meditation about our inner earth element. In today’s busy world most children will benefit from this meditation. Feel Mother Earth under your body and let her nourish you and ground you before you sleep.
The Mild Winds
A meditation about our inner air element. Come fly with Raki the eagle and let him show you your world from above. Especially good for kids who need more perspective but also for those who daydream and lack focus.
More languages
Gitte winter graugaard
En mi corazón
cuatro meditaciones en español
Desde ‘Hygge’ hasta la crianza, la forma danesa de hacer las cosas a menudo se habla ampliamente”. Las meditaciones de los niños en mi corazón” está ayudando a miles de niños a conciliar el sueño cada noche. Ahora disponible en quatro idiomas diferentes, está empezando a cambiar las rutinas de la hora de acostarse en todo el mundo.
Best Selling Author, Expert in peaceful bedtime routines
Gitte Winter Graugaard
Gitte winter graugaard
I hjertet mitt
fire meditasjoner på norsk
‘Hygge’ med barna, den danske måten å gjøre ting på er ofte mye omtalt.” Barnas meditasjoner i hjertet mitt” hjelper tusenvis av barn sovne hver kveld. Nå tilgjengelig på fire forskjellige språk, begynner det å endre sengetid rutiner over hele verden.

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